Wild driving claims numerous wild
female adult Leopard cat (Felis
Bengalensis) was killed on the spot when a speeding motorist crushed her on
the expressway opposite to Samazingkha in Thimphu on June 21.
dead felid with major injury on its head and the jaws crushed was first spotted
by Thimphu divisional forestry staff lying on the expressway when he went
jogging early in the morning. He then immediately informed Forest Protection
and Surveillance Unit (FPSU) of Department of Forests and Park Services
(DoFPS). “When I reached the spot at 6 AM, the cat was already dead,” said Phub
Tshering of FPSU.
on the wheel tracks of some big vehicle in the accident spot, officials believe
that the animal might have been killed by a truck. With the leopard cat just
about the size of a domestic cat, officials say that the trucker might have
mistaken it for a common household cat. “Bhutanese have this superstition that
a cat crossing your way will bring bad omen to commuter,” WCD’s Chief Forestry
Officer, Sonam Wangchuk said together with Phub Tshering of FPSU. They believe
that in order to avoid the cat crossing the way, the trucker might have killed
Officials also added that if not for such intentional killing, it might have
been carelessness on the part of man behind the wheel. “With better and wider
asphalted road, speeding vehicles often run over the wildlife. This is the
major threat in developed countries.” WCD CFO said. He agreed that it is
increasingly becoming a trend in Bhutan too.
is likely that the cat got killed at night since it is a nocturnal wild animal was
probably looking for a comfort zone. “The asphalt road remains much warmer when
the temperature in the forests drops. So, the cat was perhaps lying on the warm
tarred road.” Otherwise, they say the cat was looking for its prey which
consists of small mammals, birds and poultry.
As per the field
guide to the mammals of Bhutan the leopard cat is described as having
similarity with the household cat except that it has longer legs. It has spots
and marks on the body similar to that of leopards and look like a miniature
leopard but it had no rosettes on its coat and instead has soild black spots or
The guide further
describes that the cat is nocturnal but occasionally hunts during the daytime.
The cat is found to be a solitary except during the mating season.
The normal size of
the cat ranges from 35-60 cms while its tail measures 15-30 cms. The normal cat
would weigh 3-7 kgs.
Like the common
leopard, the leopard cat is one of the most adaptable cats. It occurs in the
broad spectrum of habitats from tropical rain forest to temperate broadleaf and
coniferous forest as well as shrubs and grasslands. They take shelter in
hollows of trees.
The cat shows little
aversion to presence of human and often lives close to human settlements. In
Bhutan, the cat is found ranging from south till about 3,200 meters above sea
As per the guide
book, the conservation threats of the cat globally are habitat fragmentation,
poaching for its pelt and retaliatory killing by farmers. But in Bhutan, it
does not face any major threat and enjoys a relatively undisturbed habitat.
The IUCN status as
per the guide is lower risk.
Meanwhile, a civet (Civettictis Civetta), rare species was also run
over by the speeding vehicle on the national highway at Lumitsawa under Punakha
dzongkhag on June 11.
to Kezang Dawa, park Manager of Royal Botanical Park (RBP) Lamperi , this
mammal is a nocturnal animal who prey on domestic hens and would have run over
by the vehicle while it was wandering into the nearest village in search of
is a rare species and I have never encountered such animal before.” He said.
The Civet is a purely nocturnal generally solitary animal. Purely
terrestrial it is poor at climbing and at digging, and it lives in vacant
burrows left by other species.
Civets are found in a wide range of habitats, but densely wooded
areas and forests are preferred. Civets are almost always found near a
good source of water.
to Park Manager, the civet was also run over on its jaw and which consequently has
died after stern injury on its mouth.
CFO of WCD also shared his experience from the Thrumshingla National Park in
Bumthang. The east-west highway running through the heart of the park has
claimed lives of wild animals in the past too. He reminisce incidences where
small mammals and reptiles like Langurs and Snakes have succumbed to the
reckless driving.
department officials are doing all they could to bring down such cases of
wildlife being killed by vehicles. The precautionary messages imparted in the
environmental education program are directed to creating public awareness on
avoiding suck kills.
the legislation front, the Forest and Nature Conservation Rules, 2006 is silent
on such traffic part. While the affected can either kill or drive away wild
animals causing crop depredation, it is restricted to only those not included
in the Schedule I. Those listed in the Schedule I, which usually are those wild
animals critically endangered and vulnerable to extinction are not permitted to
kill at no cost.
is a big loss from the conservation point of view,” said Sonam Wangchuk. He
urges all the people especially those behind the wheel to be little cautious
and spare the lives of innocent wildlife.
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